Monday, August 13, 2007

Zucchini & Mushroom Lasagna Photos

So, my husband was thinking that he could really go for some good Raw Lasagna. So, as good raw foodists, we went and made a raw selection - without the guilt like cooked varieties.

Here is a shot of the mushrooms that we used - just regular old mushrooms from the grocery store. Usually we would use a Japanese mushroom such as Shitake however the store didn't have any for some reason... These worked fine though.
Here are all the ingredients to make the lasagna - it's very inexpensive! Note: we buy our olive oil in bulk - so the one we used was cold-pressed, not colavita.

This is the final photo - it looks wonderful. This photo was taken with my cell phone so it isn't very clear - sorry.

A side view. Again, it looked much better in person. Yum!


ballet_er said...

Raw veganに、なったばかりです。
日本でもRaw food を、作ることが出来るかな?私には英語の勉強になるし、ターニャさんには日本語の勉強になると思います。
これからも、Raw recipi をいろいろ

Brew99 said...

Sorry, I am writing in English because I am lazy to get my Japanese program up to write today. Please forgive me. I see ballet_er that you are looking for more raw vegan recipes even when you return to Japan. I will do my best.