Thursday, July 19, 2007

Thirsty Thursday

(Thanks Mounsey for the cute photo!)

Finally, my insomnia was beaten by a cold Illinois night and I was able to sleep away my tiredness. It was really nice to be able to get the sleep that I was designed to have each night. The cold night allowed us to close our windows and actually not have to listen to the airplanes buzzing our house (by the way we live around 20-30 minutes from the airport). Crazy Aero-bums!

So, today I am feeling really energized - not only because it is cooler but because I feel healthy. One thing that I noticed while being on the Raw Food Diet is that with the correct sleep, I feel so energized. It is not like I am going to go run a marathon, oh please, but rather just feel free of heavy food so that I can think and move freely.

So, wow I say "so" way too much.... Let me start again...

Eating has been a great destiny today:

Raw Donuts (ani phyo style)
I would love to give the recipe however I could never do that to Ani. Check out this video:

I am not sure what I would do without Ani. Before I started the raw food diet, I was not sure what to do with my low sugar levels. Not being one for shots, I was not about to give myself glucose shots to bring up my sugar level. Eating raw has changed the way I feel each day, I have not fainted since I started from being low on sugar. Yay!

Leftover Crunchy Taco Recipe from See the next blog enter for the copied recipe.

This hasn't occurred however I am planning a Kale Salad with Raw Tabouli. These are two new recipes for me so I am really excited! Yes, it sounds like a lot of food however I have never been one for small amounts of food. After all, isn't that what most of us raw foodists have in common, we love food! Unfortunately I can not remember where I got these two recipes however if I remember I will fill all of you in.

So, ( I go again with the "so") I just wanted all of you to know I am having a much better day. Sleep is a wonderful institution to feel better mentally. Mixed with raw food, I could do anything! Watch out world!

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